Normally this is a holiday I embrace with gusto, though there are a few other European countries that my ancestors originate from, I have always been most proud of my Irish heritage. Today I'm not even wearing green. I'm over it.
Instead of going out and having too many green alcoholic beverages with my fellow honorary Irishfolk, I am hitting up the craft outlet store with my homegirl W (of Ghetto-licious fame) and we're staying in to get crafty (and maybe drink a little bit of the Green Dragon).
In the past month since my boyfriend (let's just start calling him Bear) has been gone I have been in almost-hibernation mode and doing my best to busy myself with projects to take my mind off of how much I miss him. We Skype frequently, but since our time zones are 9 hours different we usually only get to see each other when it is late at night here and early morning there, which doesn't kill much of my ample free hours. I've been learning Turkish with Rosetta Stone, but my brain can only add so much at one time and I try to get another lesson in every few days. My place is now almost spotless, all my little household projects are complete and I'm getting a bit bored. I haven't been in the mood to go out out lately, so I've been wrangling different friends for dinner parties at least once a week and mostly staying at home reading.
W is a Crafting Queen and when she realized how Etsy-dependent I have become for papergoods, she immediately gave me a (gentle) hard time for buying something I could make myself. It's not totally true (no way I can make a pop-up bird cage card) but the idea of getting together to craft with her was irresistable. She claims to be able to DIY a pillbox hat out of a cheese container and since I am curious AND in need of a hat for March's Yelp Elite Event (a *Spiked* Tea Party) I figured a night of arts & crafts, a few drinks and good company wasn't too horrible of an idea. I have a stash of supplies from making my own wrapping paper for a few years in row and W has all kinds of glittery goodies, but we're still going to hit up Pacific Fabric and Crafts Outlet to see what kind of damage we can do. They better have some blue feathers, dammit.