At the very beginning of the month I decided to participate in the
NaNoWriMo challenge, which is "an annual (November) novel writing project that brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world." To win the challenge, you have to write 50000 words of a novel within the 30 days of November and anyone who fulfills the requirement wins. In the past I have written poems, short stories and started a play or two, but I have never undertaken such a grand task of attempting to write a novel so I felt this would be a fantastic project to take on and stretch my writing skills.
With an average of 1667 words a day needed to meet the deadline, you are forced to write with almost a reckless abandon; going back to edit what you have already written has the potential to decrease your word count and increase the hours that you have to dedicate to the piece.
Unfortunately, making time to blog in between work, running and writing has been progressively more troublesome and honestly, I don't feel I have the capacity to dedicate my words to both. Please pardon my absence and understand that when I return I will do so with a vengeance.